More control, more freedom, more happiness
Drop 2 dress sizes in the next 6 months and learn how to sustain it.
For people who need to take back control of their bodies, health and happiness.
Become the version of you that you have always aspired to be.
Break free of the YoYo dieting prison with more control, more freedom, and more happiness.
During our fat loss coaching programs, we enable the client to build their very own sustainable lifestyle using our signature 4 pillar system.
This is delivered via our unique tasks, unrivalled support, accountability and personalised one-to-one fat loss coaching to enable clients to build healthy habits, improve coping tactics and regain control over food choices.
Do you want a proven, simple, step-by-step approach to building your sustainable results that have been used by thousands of others with massive success?
If you do then I invite you to book a Discovery Call, this will enable us to get clear on what's working for you right now, what isn’t, and to give you some solid action steps for how to move forward. Along with that we can talk about how Sustain can help you with that journey and understand if we are a good fit for each other.
It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
You put in so much effort to either lose, only to almost immediately gain the same bloody 7lbs again and again, or you simply can’t even get off the starting blocks. You start with the best of intentions on Monday only to be back to your old habits by Wednesday.
You can’t seem to find a diet that fits you and your busy life and the truth is that you have tried so many different diets that you're no longer sure about what you should even be eating. Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to just give up trying to change, accept that this is it and just slowly keep gaining weight.
No matter what you try or how hard you feel you work you still can’t make any long-term progress.
- It’s Monday morning and you have zero fear of stepping on the scales, you look in the mirror and you are proud of what you see.
- You’re proud because, even though you had a meal out on Saturday night for a rare date night and shared a bottle of wine, you CHOSE to have it and it didn’t lead to a spiral of guilt-driven poor choices or a ‘written-off’ weekend.
- You feel more confident, fitter, and healthier than you have in a long time.
- You don’t feel bloated, you are sleeping better and have more energy.
- You’re excited to be the role model your kids/grandkids deserve, and you have more confidence and energy to be involved with them and inspire them.
- You feel relaxed because you have smashed through tonnes of beliefs that had been holding you back for so long.
- Your relationship with food has completely changed and you now feel confident and in control.
- You no longer shy away from a challenge due to a fear of failure but instead become excited about trying.
- You’re reassured that you've 'got this' and are confident in your ability to maintain.
If you would like to know why then please book a no-obligation Discovery Call and we can get to know each other better.
Do any of these describe you?
✔ You have the greatest reasons to change, yet you still can’t manage to string a good week together.
✔ You've had some success on previous diets yet seem to ‘snap back’ to your starting weight (plus a little more) almost as soon as you stop following it.
✔ Everything seems to be harder the older you get and the weight just doesn’t come off like it used to.
✔ You can’t seem to find your mojo no matter how hard you look.
✔ You feel like you have tried EVERYTHING to lose weight and none of it has worked.
✔ You are avoiding being in family photos because you hate how you look.
✔ You are self-conscious about going back into the office because of the weight you've gained.
✔ You struggle with emotional and comfort eating.
✔ You want to transform your mindset and body into something you are proud of, and more importantly, sustain.
It’s time for you to take back control
Instead of being stressed about what to eat or wracked with guilt over your choices you can be become the person who is happy and in control of ALL the choices you choose to make.
How does that sound?
Here’s why you’re in this situation...
In our 25+ years' experience of working one to one with clients, the problem usually boils down to two things:
1. Only focusing on WHAT you eat and not WHY you eat
100% changing what you eat WILL help you lose weight over the short term.
Counting calories, points, syns will enable you to drop 10-15lbs over a few months.
But, until you address the reasons WHY you eat this weight will ALWAYS return (and often with some extra).
If you struggle with emotional eating, comfort eating, an all or nothing mindset, fear of failure, poor habits and a poor relationship with food then these simply HAVE to be addressed for sustainable results.
2. A lack of skills
Weight loss very rarely comes down to a lack of information around ‘calories in vs calories out’
This is blasted at us constantly along side ‘eat less, move more’.
In effect weight loss IS simple, though that certainly doesn’t mean EASY.
As above, the difficulty comes down to WHY we are consistently unable to apply this, and this will always be driven by the fact that you simply don’t have the skill set to overcome these mindset obstacles.
Your 'go to' learned behaviour when tired, sad, stressed is to eat or drink and you have no other coping strategy or mechanisms and this constantly hamstrings your dieting attempts and causes you to bail on yet another failed attempt.
So, what is our story?
Sustain Nutrition's mission is, and always will be, to help as many people as we possibly can.
Help people who are stuck in an endless cycle of being on and off a diet, upset and confused as to why they can never seem to reach their goal no matter what they try.
To show people that there is another way, that being 'perfect' isn't needed to make life-changing results, that to lose weight you don't have to turn your life upside down, follow a super strict meal plan, or do hours and hours of mind-numbing training.
Sustain was born to fill a huge gap in the market.
After all, people know what they should be doing but don't understand why they are not doing it, therefore the problems they have aren't a knowledge issue, they know what they should be eating, don't they?

But, this issue lies more in the struggle to do what is required to get what is desired, this is where Sustain and our coaching system fit in and fill that hole, we help our clients understand the 'why' and why the approach they have been taking hasn't been working.
Imagine if you had the knowledge and skill to deal with all of your usual stumbling blocks and obstacles, you would have no reason not to smash your goals then would you?
This is what we help our clients achieve inside our coaching plans.
Our goal is to give you the biggest mindset transformation that we possibly can, to help you upgrade your coping mechanisms and skills so that no matter what is put in front of you, you will not be phased.
There is no pass or fail, just opportunities to constantly get better.
We look forward to helping you.
Joe & James

The programme begins the moment you commit to it.
Purpose and Plan
After our initial questionnaire, we want to know WHY.
Why do you simply have to make these changes, why this is so important and what needs to change for you to become this different version of yourself?
You will learn our tried and tested Calorie Control Habits, weekly tasks around our 4 pillar system, become accountable to your very own expert coach and create your own perfect plan.
Weekly Reflections and Coaching
Each week is another opportunity to learn, grow and get better.
Learning where our weak points are and planning how to improve these will enable you to create sustainable fat loss.
Couple this with your personalised feedback from your coach on your food, struggles and obstacles and nothing can get in your way.
Our Agreement
To be open, honest and always have your best interests at heart.
All we ask is for this in return:
For you to change, this will need you to be open, honest and willing to try.