Is mindset important for fat loss?

behaviour change fat loss habits mindset Feb 23, 2023

No fluff today. Yes, mindset is important for fat loss.

If you think that the perfect exercise plan or recipe list is going to get you to a place of health and confidence you can maintain sustainably, then I'd stop reading now.

But if you believe that you have to change the way you think in order to lose weight and keep it off long-term, whilst enjoying food you love, then you're my kind of person.

There's a reason we aren't called Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition. Because we know how difficult that is and how it doesn't work long-term for the vast, vast, vast majority of people.

It didn't work for me and I've not seen it work for many people over the years we've been coaching.

The truth is mindset is EVERYTHING when it comes to fat loss.

Think about it.

Whether you get up early and go to the gym, or go late after work, or make your meals ahead of time rather than picking up high-calorie options, whether you say yes please or no thanks to the wines on nights out or at home, the biscuits in the office, the sweets on the side or the cake at the café is ALL decided in your mind.

It's too simplistic that if you just had the right path to follow then like some kind of fat loss shadow you'd work diligently towards your goal and stay there forever.Human beings are complex. We don't just follow paths from A to B and live happily ever after. This isn't a fairy tale. This is real life.

If it was that easy then would so many people be overweight?

Of course not. We get so lost in what we want to be true that we don't spend any time reflecting on what the reality is. Our lack of thought around this topic means we fall prey to those who market to our vulnerabilities, convincing us we are just one step away from massive, life altering change.

Which is why it's going to take more introspection and change to your life than just buying a book or PDF and going through the steps mindlessly.

I've believed this for a long time but only recently have I been able to really nail this down for myself and my clients.

Since learning about the "Inside-Out" way of thinking I've had many client successes.

One lady reached a weight she hasn't been since her teens (she's 50) and is 2 stone 3lbs down from her weight last March.

Another is down a stone in the last MONTH.

And I personally am (for today at least) 1 and a half stone (21lbs / 9.9kg) down from the end of October 2022!

As you can guess I'm pretty enthusiastic about this and if you'd like to benefit from this then I've got a couple of podcasts for you:

James grills me on "Inside Out" thinking in a Q&A session on our 152nd episode of "Chewing the Fat": #152 Inside Out Thinking.

And Julia who has coached me on "Inside-Out Thinking" interviewed me on her podcast - "Generative Leaders - Habits and happiness"

I hope you find these useful and any feedback or questions feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]